
CPSC 117 Agriculture and Science of Coffee
The growth and production of coffee and its impact on society and culture. The botanical aspects of coffee, coffee varieties/cultivars, and technologies for coffee growth, harvesting, post-harvest processing, and roasting will be discussed. The wide variety of coffee beverages, coffee flavor evaluation, coffee chemistry, coffee economics, and the physiological effects of coffee will also be examined. Syllabus.

Spring 2021 & 2023: Teachers Ranked As Excellent By Their Students

CPSC 382 Organic Chemistry of Biological Processes
An overview of the structure, properties, and reactions of carbon-containing compounds relevant to biological processes and cellular structure. The chemistry of hydrocarbon, aromatic, as well as oxygen- nitrogen-, phosphorus-, and sulfur-containing compounds will be examined. Macromolecular structures including biological membranes, carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids will also be discussed. Syllabus.

Fall 2021: Teachers Ranked As Excellent By Their Students

CPSC 412 Principles of Crop Production
(co-instructor: Soil Management module)
Fundamentals in crop development and management, soil structure, management, and fertility, and how crops and soils interact are examined. Students learn how to diagnose real-world problems in fields and field crops grown in the Midwestern US, and to develop practical solutions to such problems. Prepares students to be competitive in careers within commercial crop agriculture and to pass the Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) examination. Syllabus.

CPSC 499 Environmental Enzymology
Transformation of nutrient elements (C, N, P, S) in terrestrial systems is catalyzed by extracellular enzymes. The extracellular nature of these enzymes raises implications for nutrient fluxes from pedon to global scales, while simultaneously challenging their study. This seminar will examine advances in how extracellular enzymes in environmental samples are measured and conceptualized to enhance our understanding of biogeochemical processes that govern the fluxes and fate of nutrient elements. We will examine and synthesize the rapidly evolving scientific literature on extracellular enzymes in environmental samples. Emphasis will be given to (i) novel methods of environmental enzyme assays, (ii) hypotheses on fundamental controls of extracellular enzymes and (iii) interdisciplinary work drawing on approaches and perspectives from traditional biochemistry. This includes methodological challenges unique to environmental samples such as soils and sediments, distinguishing among multiple enzyme sources in complex environmental samples, characterizing enzyme kinetics, and linking enzyme activity with biochemical and microbiological processes. Syllabus.

YouTube lecture on Soil Enzymes 101, via Brookside Labs: Soil enzyme activities: measurement and interpretation in soil health frameworks